A Tribute to our Friends we have lost over the years.
Tenderly we treasure the past
With memories that will always last.
Tom Carter, Woody Hatten, Danny Yates, Russell Mount, Art Arfons, Paul Yates, Jay Gall, Jerry VanDorpe, Robert Elliot, Jeff McPherson, Greer Hamilton, Jim Kerr, Ernie Ropp, Jon Lorenz, Jim Burns, Charleen Cabeen, Jon Boden, Henry Piper, John Hileman, Larry Koester, Charlie Ross, Randy Petro.

Pulling with the Angels
They pulled with a passion that couldn't be stopped
They were always there when the green flag dropped
Loved by many and ranked among the best
They put even those called legends to the test
They made quite an impression on their fans
As remarkable pullers and even better man
Now they are pulling with the Angels and winning all the same
From the starting line to the 300 ft
All the way to victory lane
They will always be missed and always be loved
Now back to pulling on the great dirt tracks above.
A Pullers Prayer
Lord is isn't right to ask
For fortune or for fame,
I'm only here tonight - ( I think )
Because I like the game.
And when I take off down the track,
I like then to pretend
That you'll give me the power
To reach the other end.
Everyone should have his turn
To win - that's only right,
And if it's all the same to you
I'll take my turn tonight.
But if you think it's not the time
For me to have first place,
Lord, when they pull me off the track
Please put a smile on my face
graphics by www.touchamemory.com
page design and layout by Brandi & Fonda
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